"If you thought that science
was certain - well, that is just an error on
your part." Richard Feynman
The Way Forward
It is often joked that science progresses
in three stages:
1. New theories are ignored and/or
2. Their importance is denied
3. It is pretended that the new theory
was known all along
The trouble is, many a true word is
spoken in jest, and right now we seem to
be somewhere between stages 1 and 2, with
the occasional foray into 3. For how much
longer can the importance of Cosmical
Electrodynamics be overlooked?
needed: The hunt for a theory of everything
is going nowhere fast." Headline, New
Scientist, 10th December 2005
At the very least it must be time for
scientists from different disciplines to
sit down and compare notes.
"As plasma physicists
look at astronomy and astronomers look
at plasma, the respective languages,
cultivated over many decades, can only
accentuate the gap in viewpoints. The
language of 'plasma cosmology',
describing the formation of galaxies,
stars, and planets, includes many
terms more familiar to electrical
engineers than to astronomers Langmuir
sheaths, z-pinches, glow discharges,
arc discharges, plasmoids.
"Astronomers have
cultivated a different language.
Having banished charged plasma from
space, they concentrate on the much
simpler behaviour of a 'magnetized
gas', not the charge. Their equations
for the behaviour of plasma are
typically those used to describe
flowing water and blowing wind, with a
modification due to magnetic effects
the math of classical mechanics. Thus,
their lexicon reflects their
perspective, with words one might
expect from a weatherman winds and
jets, bowshocks and shock waves, winds
and rains of charged particles, wind
socks, etc.
"What NASA scientists
call a 'surprising rain of charged
particles' in the vicinity of Jupiter
s moon Io is interesting and dangerous
weather for spacecraft. But in an
electric universe the phenomenon means
much more than a cosmic weather
report. It is a signature of
electrical activity that could not
fail to produce a continuous stream of
surprises for those unaccustomed to
the behaviour of electrified plasma."
"Men occasionally
stumble over the truth, but most of
them pick themselves up and carry on
as if nothing ever happened."
Winston Churchill
An Open Letter to the
Scientific Community
A number of leading Scientists,
Electrical Engineers, and Independent
Researchers decided to voice their
concerns in 2004, and signed a petition
attached to the Open Letter. It raised a
number of issues, and was dubbed 'An Open
Letter to Closed Minds' in some quarters.
The letter focused on a number of areas
of concern, notably the Big Bang's
increasing reliance on hypothetical
entities, a reluctance to consider
alternative views, and the effective bias
of the Peer Review system, dominated as it
is by 'Big Bangers'. Many of the
signatories are involved in Plasma related
have always said that the problem is
the American Graduate School
System... When I qualified the best
way to get ahead was to thumb your
noses at the old ones... But now you
have to do what you are told... In
the Graduate school system you have
to learn what the professors are
teaching you... You get a few places
like Harvard and they set the
fashion for every place... The road
ahead is hammered out." Sir Fred
think there is a problem with
graduate education. I don't think it
teaches students to think or to
become independent researchers..." Jack Sulantec,
Observational Astronomer
the end the universe will have its say." Sir
In many ways we might seem to live in a
liberal and enlightened age, but the price
of liberty, as they say, is eternal
Peer Review System
There are some who regard the Peer Review
system as infallible, but such a view is
naive in the extreme, even if we make
allowances for occasional petty politics
and personal biases. Alfvén,
as ever, summed-up the situation
The peer review
system is satisfactory during
quiescent times, but not during a
revolution in a discipline such as
astrophysics, when the establishment
seeks to preserve the status quo. Hannes Alfvén
"The peer review system often creates
near-insurmountable hurdles against the
publication of data that seem contrary
to long-held beliefs." Dr Friedmann T.
According to Brittanica.com,
“the primary function of peer review is
extraordinary thing is that scientists
accept the Big Bang and in the same breath
deride the Creationists." Wallace Thornhill
Science as The Medieval Church
"This is far from the
first time this parallel has been
noted. The church, still in Galileo's
time, was the ultimate authority on
the most important matters. The church
hierarchy was handsomely supported by
princes and working people, and the
lifestyle of the cardinals depended on
having people believe their
pronouncements were important and
profound. Due to complex political,
economic, and internal events, the
church gradually lost power to those
who protested.
"After the
ideals of the enlightenment and the
heady rise of astronomy and physics,
however, we have the present day
situation where all authority in
natural law has passed to science.
In return for important and profound
pronouncements on the nature of the
universe, academics are supported
with high salaries, expensive
facilities, travel, prestige, and
life time security. They also bestow
the power of this institution onto
successors of their own choosing."
From chapter 10, Seeing Red, Halton Arp
"We live on an island surrounded by a sea
of ignorance. As our knowlegde grows, so
does the shore of our ignorance."
John Archibald Wheeler
In this thought provoking
video, Dr David Avery explains why the
Electric Universe could be the idea that
changes the world. Is today's society
based on an outdated mythology?
"...the sole purpose of human existence
is to kindle a light in the darkness of
mere being. Carl Jung
"When you change the way you look at
things, the things you look at change."
Max Planck
reason why many new ideas are dismissed as
Conspiracy Theories
The dismissal of new ideas no matter how
reasonable and empirical is an old
problem. Thomas Kuhn documented many such
controversies throughout history in his
masterpiece The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions.
Chris Reeve examines the more recent
trend for attacking new ideas by labelling
them as conspiracy theories.
real crisis in cosmology is that discovery
does NOT change anything." Wal Thornhill
"A new scientific truth does not triumph
by convincing its opponents and making
them see the light, but rather because its
opponents eventually die, and a new
generation grows up that is familiar with
it." Max Planck